
Sunday, 28 March 2010

Karaoke time

Mamma Mia from Davie Easton on Vimeo.

Had a fantastic night out with the girls from college last night - Chinese buffet meal plus karaoke. Had some awesome food, I managed to put away two plates of meat and also a plate of cake!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Friday 26th March

Back Squats

80kg x 5
90kg x 3
105kg x 16

then tabata front squats with 45kg

10/8/8/7/7/5/5/6 reps

legs are fried

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Thursday 25th March

Thursday night training at Mavericks

started off with 10mins of atlas stone lifting - 1 rep for me then 1 rep for my mate, back and forth for the 10mins

then we did

Amrap 12mins

200m run
max weighted pull ups with 16kg

pullups - 7/5/4/4/4/5

then finished off with farmers walks with 70kg each hand.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Wednesday 24th March

Bench press

62.5kg x 5
70kg x 3
80kg x 12

3 x 10 x 25kg dumbbell bench press

3 x 8 x 42.5kg one arm rows


12min amrap

5 clapping push ups
10 box jumps 24in
15 russian kb swing 32kg

7 rounds + push ups + 1 box jump

ROM Hypocrisy

Just wondering what you guys thought on these two videos....and the resulting comments on ROM

David Morgan - Olympic Weightlifter doing the King Kong workout

Second is Speal vs Khalipa

Here is what I see - David Morgan, doesnt get full ROM on all of the exercises. Thats obvious. In the Speal video, I think most of the butterfly pull ups from Speal are no where near over the bar and his push ups are belly to the floor, not chest, and he barely gets his hips open on the air squats.

Now - what is really getting my back up is how David Morgan gets totally shot down because of his ROM yet Speal doesnt. Is this because David Morgan isnt a CrossFit name? Is it because the comments page on gets moderated to the point of censorship?

Or am I just a cynical old man that is getting jaded with main page CrossFit.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Monday 22nd March


5 rounds for time

15 thrusters 45kg
200m row

time 11mins 38secs

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Sunday 21st March


warm up sets then -

95kg x 5
105kg x 3
115kg x max reps = 13

up 5kg and 2 reps from last week

then some grip work

CoC trainer, No1 and attempt at No2

Vertical bar one hand lift - 80kg right, 70kg left

2in fat handle lift 70kg right, 60kg left

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Saturday at Mavericks

Supposed to be a rest day but really wanted to train so went up to Mavericks. Wanted to do something with the atlas stone, tire, farmers walks and dumb bells so came up with this

10min amrap

2 x 10m farmers walks 120kg ( 60kg each hand )
3 atlas stone lifts to chest height ( 80kg )
4 tire flips

3 full rounds

5mins rest

8min amrap

5 pull ups
5 burpees

9 full rounds plus 2 pull ups

5 mins rest

one handed clean and jerk with the dumb bells

right hand 40kg, 35kg, 32.5kg, 30kg, 27.5kg, 25kg
left hand 25kg, 27.5kg, 30kg, 32.5kg, 35kg

failed at 45kg with right hand and 40 with left hand so thats something to work on

That was superb session today

Friday, 19 March 2010

Friday 19th March


50kg x 3
55kg x 3
62.5kg x max = 5


12mins AMRAP

5 power cleans with fat bar and 2 x 20kg - about 70kg in total
10 push ups

8 full rounds plus 1 power clean

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Wednesday 17th March

Only time for back squats

3 x 75kg
3 x 85kg
max reps x 100kg = 17 reps

was going to fit in the metcon but had to go to work to help out at parents night, so will catch up tomorro

Monday, 15 March 2010

Monday 15th March

Home made thick bar
10 - 1 overhead squats 40kg
1 - 10 burpees

time 10mins 45secs

Then made myself a thick bar from my old, slightly bent olympic bar and a scaffolding pole. Took the end off the bar, cut the scaffolding pole to size, slipped it onto the bar and then put the end back on. 

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Sunday, 14 March 2010

Sunday 14th March

At a wedding last night - a few pints of Guinness and lots of food means I was happy to see no metcon today.

Bench press

65kg x 3 reps
75kg x 3 reps
85kg x max reps = 11

then 2 sets incline dumb bell bench simply


Power clean and jerk

40kg, 50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 90kg

got 100kg for a power clean but didnt managed to jerk it

Finished off with some GHD sit ups and back extensions

Friday, 12 March 2010

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Friday 12th March

No metcon tonight just deadlifts

75kg x 3 reps
97.5kg x 3 reps
110kg x max reps = 11

happy with that!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Thursday 11th March

Took a run up to Maverick Strength and Conditioning again to train with Derek, but turned up and he was exhausted from working too many hours. I did do his workout but changed it a bit.

5 rounds for time

7 reps of bear complex with 50kg ( 1 reps equals - power clean, front squat, press, back squat, press )
14 kb swings 24kg
5 x 10m farmers walk with 55kg each hand

time - 28mins 31secs

then finished off playing with the atlas stone and managed to pick it up and get it to chest height twice.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Wednesday 3rd March


3 x 45kg
3 x 50kg
max reps x 57.5kg = 7

then 3 sets of  press with keg

10, 8, 10 reps

a bit later

12 min amrap

5 push press 25kg DB's
10 box jump 24in
15 sit ups

7 full rounds + push press + 2 jumps

another good days training done

Video from CF Ireland Invitational

Untitled from Colm O'Reilly on Vimeo.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Monday 8th March

back squats
5 x 67.5kg
5 x 80kg
90kg x max = 30!
Metcon about 3 hours later
12 min amrap with 60kg for hang power cleans and thrusters
7 full rounds plus 8 jumping squats

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Sunday part 2


3 rounds of

400m run
21 kb swing 24kg
12 pull ups

time 10mins 22secs

then fat bar clean and push jerk

50kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
60kg x 5

im done for today

Sunday 7th March

Bench press

55kg x 5
62.5kg x 5
70kg x max reps = 17

3 x 10 bench press with keg

barbell rows 62.5kg x 8 reps x 3 sets

heading to Mavericks in a couple of hours to do a metcon, maybe not the one I have got in the programming, depends on what Johnny fancies doing

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Saturday 6th March

Got my hands on a beer keg last night and spent today de-pressurising the barrell then trying to figure out how to get water in. Then I realised that if i hold the valve down with a scredriver I could pour water in - and so far I have it at 30kg. Spent about 10mins just trying a lot of different exercises with it and going to have a look online for some others but here are the things Ive tried so far

  • Clean and press
  • Clean and squat
  • Shouldering
  • Burpee into a bent over row
  • power snatch
  • goblet squat
  • Bench press
  • seated shoulder press

Friday, 5 March 2010

Friday 5th March


80kg x 5 reps
90kg x 5 reps
105kg x max reps = 11

grip went after last nights fun and games

going to do hill sprints tomorrow

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Thursday 4th March

Had a superb session at Mavericks tonight with the boys - Derek, Johnny, Brian and Kyle.

21, 15, 9 reps with a 200m row between rounds

80kg power cleans
strict pull ups

time 17mins 45secs ( I think, I know it was 17mins something )

then we did farmers walks with 45kg each hand then 50kg each hand.

Going to start a regular once a week session at Mavericks with the boys, start a regular strongman training session

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Wednesday 3rd March

Month 2 of 5/3/1


42.5kg x 5
50kg x 5
55kg x max = 9 reps

wanted 10 but not to be.

Couple of hours later I did -

15min amrap

15 kb swings 32kg
10 box jumps 24in
5 burpees

8 rounds + 12 swings

was supposed to be 5 ring dips but couldnt find my rings so subbed in the burpees..that was not a clever idea.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Monday 1st March

First workout of a new month of 5/3/1. This month sees an increase of 5kg to my starting weights from last month, with the first weight session on Wednesday. Tonights work was a metcon.

as many rounds in 15mins of

500m row
25 squats
10 clapping push ups

managed 4 full rounds and about 250m of the 5th row

then 2 sets of rollouts from my knees and 2 sets of weighted pull ups