
Sunday, 30 May 2010

Its not the lone nut - but the first follower....

Sunday 30th May


105kg x 3
115kg x 3
130kg x 1
140kg x 1
150kg x 1 ( best ive lifted in nearly a year )

Kroc Rows ( hi rep dumbbell rows ) 42.5kg DB 32reps righ hand / 30reps left hand

Friday, 28 May 2010

Friday 28th May

friday morning

shoulder press

55kg x 3
60kg x 3
75kg x 1 ( old PR )
77.5kg x 1 NEW PR

keg press 10, 7 , 5 reps

The old pr is my best ever press, my 1rm that I am working off from the start of the year and the start of my 5/3/1 routine was 70kg and that was a REAL struggle

Off to the cinema now to see Space Chimps 2 with the missus and the kids, oldest boys choice as its his birthday today

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Thursday 27th May

7 thrusters 70kg
14 burpees
21 pull ups
14 burpees
7 thrusters 70kg

time 5mins 59secs

was gunning for sub 5 but lost it on the last set of thrusters, broke them 3, 2, 2

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


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Wednesday 26th May

Tuesday - rest day as usual but had 2 and a bit hour  tattoo sitting, was supposed to be 3 but was a mix up


Back squats

87.5kg x 3
107.5kg x 3
120kg x max = 11

then was supposed to be front squats but the bar was resting right on a bit of my tattoo so just called it a day. Also didnt do a metcon, dont want to sweat too much on the tattoo as its healing

Sunday, 23 May 2010

sunday metcon

decided to take a crack at the first WOD from the May CrossFit Ireland Invitational

1,000m row
30 push jerk 70kg
50 double unders

time 10mins 07secs

double unders were rubbish up to 22, then managed to get 29 in a row

Some photos form the weekend

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Catch up post



92.5kg x 3
102.5kg x 3
120kg x max = 10

kroc rows - 42.5kg x 25right/22 left

Death by pull ups

only got to 6th min then stopped as hands were agony 


10km sponsored walk for Deaf/Blind Scotland - one person wears a a blindfold and ear defenders, other person has to guide them

My friend did the first 5km with the blindfold and ear defenders on, and as I work with blind kids, I am used to guiding. But when it was my turn, I was a bit wary - I kept getting this feeling that I was losing my balance.

Add in the fact it was about 26 or 27 degrees and I was wearing a black Metallica t-shirt...made it a bit hot 


bench press

75kg x 3
87.5kg x 3
97.5kg x max = 6

could maybe have got 1 more with a spotter but not risking it

Keg bench press

20, 14, 12 reps

KB floor press

24kg x 5 reps x 3 sets each arm

Metcon later 

Thursday, 20 May 2010

keg workout tonight

7 mins keg cleans

3 min rest

7 mins keg shouldering

got 44 cleans and 35 shoulders

then 2 max efforts at holding the keg against my chest and walking up and down the garden

45secs then 1min 02secs

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Wednesday 19th May


50kg x 3
57.5kg x 3
65kg x max = 7 ( up 1 rep on this weight last time )

21-15-9 OHS 40kg
42-30-18 double unders

10mins 02secs

That sucked, could not string more than 2 double unders together at a time, last set was all singles. Was absolutely raging angry when I finished

happy with the press though

Monday, 17 May 2010

Monday 17th May

work/parents night/wife working - my excuses for not doing todays  workout that involved hill sprints

did this instead

2 pood KB swings

time 8mins 39secs

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Sunday 16th May

Sunday morning back squats

80kg x 5
105kg x 5
115kg x 10

Hill sprints x 11

tried to get them all under 18secs, managed to get 9 of them under it

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Log clean and press

There will also be the strongman log

3weeks till I compete

So its 3 weeks today till I head to Reading to compete at the CrossFit Reading and Funckey Strength and Power Meet. They aren't going to release the actual workout till the day but they have been letting little hints out like the one below

Strength and Power Meet 2010: A Recipe for Fun

Strength and Power Meet 2010: A Recipe for Fun
Begin with the BeaverFit Power Log we prepared earlier.
Add in a couple of BeaverStalker Sleds.
Pour in a generous amount of BeaverFarmers Walk.
Whisk in the BeaverPower Yoke (until the mix is no longer runny).
Add a dash of BeaverMonster Sled.
Throw in a large amount of competitors (these will reduce during cooking), and carefully place a number of officials into the mix to help bind it all together.
Pre-heat oven on a high temperature, set timer for one day, and cook until golden-brown or timer goes off (which ever is the earlier).
Remove the the finished CrossFit Reading Strength and Power Meet 2010 (in Association with FK.UK) from the heat.
Slice and serve immediately with a garnish of prizes.
All above ingredients available at a on-the-day discounted price. Available all year round at
Keep your eyes peeled for further recipes to complement this one. Ideal to serve together!

Friday, 14 May 2010

Friday 14th May

Bench press

70kg x 5
80kg x 5
92.5kg x 10

keg press

14, 12, 12 reps

bent over rows

3 x 8 reps x 60kg

First bench session using my new 1rm. My previous 1rm was 90kg at the start of the year, so to get 10 with 92.5kg - happy with that

Lower back felt a bit tight so kept the bent over rows light.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Thursday 13th May

tonight found a fantastic hill for sprints. usually get used by idiots on dirt bikes but was quite tonight

10 hill sprints

5 long roughly 35secs each

5 short roughly 18secs each

Wednesday 12th May Metcon

short metcon

1 min box jumps
1min rest
3 rounds

23/20/21 reps

1min squats
1min rest
3 rounds

45/40/45 reps

Wednesday 12th May



87.5kg x 5
100kg x 5
112.5kg x max reps - 20


100kg x 8 reps x 3 sets

dont think i took a breath during last 5 reps, was fecked after it!

then came in and ate a whole chicken!

Monday, 10 May 2010

Monday 10th May


wanted something fast but heavy

Grace - 60kg clean and jerk x 30reps

3mins 56secs

think its a PB, found 3 other times - 2 from last year, 1 from 2008 - beat them all

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Sunday 9th May

Start of a new cycle of 5/3/1


47.5kg x 5
55kg x 5
62.5kg x 8 ( up 1 for this weight )

keg press 7, 5 , 7 reps ( lost control on 2nd set )

10 min AMRAP

5 push press 2 x 25kg DB's
50 single skips
7 box jumps ( meant to be 40yd sprint )

7 full rounds

Presses felt good today, shoulders a bit fried from benching the other day.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Chucking weights about

Chucking some weights about from Davie Easton on Vimeo.

Friday 7th May

On another de-load week so just messing around this week but had a pr tonight


back squats

40kg, 60kg, 80kg x 5reps

bench press

40kg, 60kg, 80kg x 5 reps

90kg x 1
100kg x 1
105kg x 1
110kg x 1
120kg x 1 ( ties all time pr )

Not actually a pr - but when I started doing 5/3/1 at the start of the year my pr was 90kg - in the hobo gym with no spotter. It felt really heavy

Tonight with my mate here I decided to see how much I could do.

Then we went out to test the new sled, works great. we also did some weight plate chucking - got it on video will up load it later

Monday, 3 May 2010

Monday 3rd May

Had a play around with the sled today - nothing serious, just trying it out and also did some car pushing too

Saturday 2nd May

Start of another de-load week so really light press 30kg,40kg,50kg all for 5
then dediced to try and make a dragging sled.
testing it out today along with some car psushing
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