
Friday 7 May 2010

Friday 7th May

On another de-load week so just messing around this week but had a pr tonight


back squats

40kg, 60kg, 80kg x 5reps

bench press

40kg, 60kg, 80kg x 5 reps

90kg x 1
100kg x 1
105kg x 1
110kg x 1
120kg x 1 ( ties all time pr )

Not actually a pr - but when I started doing 5/3/1 at the start of the year my pr was 90kg - in the hobo gym with no spotter. It felt really heavy

Tonight with my mate here I decided to see how much I could do.

Then we went out to test the new sled, works great. we also did some weight plate chucking - got it on video will up load it later

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