
Monday, 20 September 2010

CrossFit Ireland Invitational September 2010

So at the weekend I flew over to Dublin for my 3rd CrossFit Ireland Invitational. 

The workouts were - 

5 Rounds for time:
5 Burpee Pull Ups
7 Push Jerks, 60Kg/40Kg
9 Box Jumps, 24"/16"
Cut off: 10 minutes
2 minutes to complete a 1RM Power Clean

Overhead Squats, 60Kg/40Kg
Ring Dips (pink assisted)
Cut off: 15mins
400m, 20 seconds after completion of 2A (the length of time it will take to walk across the gym to the starting line)

3 Rounds of:
10 Squat Cleans, 60Kg/40Kg
20 Wall Balls, extremely accurate
30 Kettlebell Swings, 24Kg/16Kg

I managed to get 6th place which I am really happy about

the first workout was good for me as 60kg push jerk ( anyway over head was allowed so i push pressed most of them ) was heavy but not too bad. I finished it in 9mins 23secs so just under the cut off time

I then had 2 mins for the power cleans. I did an easy 80kg, then a 100kg and still had time for one more lift. I contemplated 115kg which would have tied for 1st but played it safe and got 110kg

the OHS and ring dip workout was the only one that really worried me, but there was no way I could do it with 60kg so scaled back to 50kg. Even with the scale I didnt manage to finish the workout in the time allowed, just could not stabilise the bar overhead. That will teach me to miss out overhead squatting.

It was then onto a 400m run, we had 20secs after the 15min cut off to get to the start line, then it was time to run. Or shuffle in my case. Cant remember my time for this but it wasnt fast 

Lunch was then cosumed, supplied by one of the members who catered for us all - lots of meat, veg, fruit etc and it was superb. I had loads and had a plate put away for after the event.

The last event suited me - 60kg squat cleans/ very accurate wall ball / kb swings. The squat cleans were tough after the other events but were still manageable - think I did first set in a row then split other 2 sets up into 5's. The wall ball was to an iron beam, 10ft from the ground and there were very specific consitions to a rep counting - ball must hit flat surface of the beam, not the underneath, can hit top, must be caught. I didnt miss too many of these - I guess being tall helped. Then onto the KB Swings - easy enough as I really like swings. 

I was the first person to finish this workout, did it in 13mins 08secs. Not sure where i placed on that workout, will need to check the scores when i get home onto my own laptop

Had a fantastic weekend, a few Guinness last night and woke up in bits on Sunday morning with shoulders that feel like someone has ran over them in a truck, but no injuries!

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