
Saturday, 10 July 2010

Friday 9th July

Back squats - I have a new 1rm which is 140kg. At the start of the year it was 110kg and each cycle of 5/3/1 I have been imcreasing to the point that I was doing 125kg for my max set. Last 2 weeks have been rubbish so I am using the 140kg and working out my sets from that

95kg x 5
107.5kg x 3
120kg x max = 11 ( not a pr but happy enough )

push jerk - work up to a heavy 3 reps set

85kg x 3 ( 85kg was my 1rm at start of year )

Though I would try push press to finish

90kg x 1 ( up 10kg from start of the year )

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